(EN) Binary Search Mistake Notes

Posted on Jan 2, 2024
tl;dr: -

  • Initialize range (or window, scope)
  • Evaluate the middle element
  • Drop the half

How to return the first true element

Practice: Kth Missing Positive Number

  1. Don’t early return
  2. Always preserve the true element inside the range

Example code:

// arr is in non-decreasing order.
func binarySearch(arr []int, target int) int {
    lo, hi : 0, len(arr)-1

    for lo < hi {
        mid := (lo + hi) / 2
        val := arr[mid]

        if val < target {
            lo = mid + 1    // you may drop the mid-th element.
        } else if val == target {
            hi = mid        // you must not drop the mid-th element.
        } else {
            hi = mid - 1

    return lo

When the boundary value matters

Practice: Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

Consider the case when the range is squeezed into 2 elements.

  • Currently the range is [lo, hi], such that hi == lo + 1
  • The values are a, b, c := arr[lo], arr[mid], arr[hi]
  • Then you should aware that lo == mid and a == b.